our story
We began our journey in December 2015 as the world's first self-serve boba truck. Both of us barely had any restaurant and entrepreneurial backgrounds, so we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into with this truck. We were warned by several of our friends, "Food trucks aren't easy! It's a lot more work than a restaurant". Nevertheless, we were determined.
For 18 months, we roamed the streets of Los Angeles, loving every customer that we connected with and every relationship we built. But it was honestly the hardest 18 months of our lives. To the average person, we looked like we were absolutely killing the game-- Lines around the block, Instagram blowing up, and videos being made of us left and right. Little did our supporters know, we were struggling. Every time we profited or did well, the truck would break down. Every dime we made went right back into the engine, the generator, the electrical issues, plumbing issues, etc.
For 9 months, we scoured the internet for commercial listings. We looked at Highland Park, Chinatown, Downtown, Silverlake, Filipino Town-- none of them worked out. Finally, towards the end of 2016, we were blessed to come across this spot in Little Tokyo. We signed the lease in January 2017, and we're extremely proud and humbled to say that Little Tokyo is the home of our Flagship location.
Never would we have thought that we would open a store in Little Tokyo, DTLA and Portland, OR. It's the support of our followers and customers that keep us going and striving for new things every day. Whether you were there on the first day we opened our truck, or the last, we thank you. Each drink you purchased brought us closer to this reality. We love you all!
-Beyah and Stacey